
Don’t be that guy.

Party Down 2: Party Up

Hey!  Everybody!!  LOUIE!!!  *presents two golf balls*

I love the show, it’s one of my all-time favorites, but I feel like you can’t do it without Caplan. The Henry/Casey dynamic is so fascinating and such a neat take on the usual will-they/won’t-they trope and it’ll be a shame to lose that chemistry

Fine. As long as it’s hard sci-fi this time.

I want to trade problems with the people who claimed to be hurt and angered by this band's name.

Fitter happier
More holy

Well damn, that’s a relief and I can sleep better at night.

Have you heard about Ok Christ? The Irish Christian Radiohead tribute?

It’s obviously a reference to the band members’ penises.

I don’t give a shit if Wal-Mart burns down either. The problem is, neither does Wal-Mart, really — they just pass whatever it costs to rebuild/replace the store on to customers, so we all end up paying for it. And the 300+ people that Wal-Mart probably employed? Yeah, best case is they’re on uninsurance for a while,

Fight the power, burn down Mom & Pop’s Diner and the only affordable housing within 20 miles.

Crossing the picket line is indefensible but it doesn’t make sense to fault someone for skating on possession charges. The goal is to make it equitable for everyone by reducing or eliminating punishment for possession, not by making sure the rich and influential are punished more severely.

But what he says about netflix releasing the chapelle special is totally reasonable (that he disagrees with the points but it’s absolutely ok that they released it). Calling that “raving” is fairly gas light-y. If anyone is raving it’s publications like this, not shutting up about a stupid overblown mild controversy.

Just another reason The Root is my favorite racist website.

Do you have literally anything to back that up? From studies I’ve seen before rates of infidelity are higher in homosexual relationships, so it doesn’t make sense to say that the resultant relationship dynamics associated with infidelity would be more prevalent in heterosexual relationships. That’s nothing more than

You’re arguing with people who already made up their mind about Emilio based on an article they read a few days ago that itself was based on rumors.

I think when any woman makes congeniality a part of their “brand”, someone’s looking to get an angle to prove it’s not true.

Chris Pratt: I love my wife. These are some funny reasons why I love my wife.

And now you want to see him killed? You want justice done? You’re a criminal after watching this shit for seven years,’” Chase says.