
Jesus Harold Christ on a fucking rubber crutch!

The important thing, though, is that now you show up for every “Person fights crime but must dress like an animal for reasons” recyclefest.

Wait, so celebs *shouldn’t* insert themselves into every woke issue they come across? When did *that* change?!

A white hatred quota.

I used to be amazed at the pretzels the woke will twist themselves into to find intentional offense.

Reality stars are the stepchildren, the losers, the mules, the pack horses,” Frankel recently ranted on her Instagram stories. “The ones that the entertainment industry is going to rely on, right now, to carry the water and do the heavy lifting when real stars, real A-list Hollywood is on strike."

frame her as a perpetrator of sexual harassment over her joking videos, which has in turn opened Lewis, a Black woman, to significant harassment herself.”

Absolutely! You’ve nailed it.

You only say that because you HATE WOMEN!

“There are biological differences at play.”

Such a bitch move. So glad you took this monster DOWN!!!

“absolute mindfuck”

Oh fuck! I know we always Believe All Minorities but now what the hell we do? HOW DO I SNARK THIS?!

No it doesn’t.

I don’t get it though? I mean, I know he’s guilty. Like, I KNOOOWW he’s guilty. I read it online and everything.

Why do you hate black people?!? 

People are allowed to make fun of TV shows. Don’t be overly sensitive.

Anyone who was bothered or disrupted by other concert goers taking a picture... can frankly go shit in their hats. They weren’t disrupted - they nearly saw an opportunity to complain and self-victimize.

With all due respect, that’s not really our concern. Until Miranda decides to perform as a non-millionaire, I’m not going to weep for her as a tortured artist. She mass-produces music and sells it, so it’s kinda on me as to how I choose to soak it in.

He can't just fucking honor a song he likes?