
My god, this blog has become a parody of itself.

“I am not the right partner for you.”

Do you really have to ask?

He owes us the value of the book he sells, right?

Indeed! I’m ready for a few spiteful, evidence-free convictions to even the playing field.

2021: where the apology/denial AND the statements of support form unrelated individuals, are also newsworthy.

Yeah, you can see where the years of buried trauma come from. I can't imagine how she could possibly move forward from this devastating event.

This..... shouldn't have had an impact on your week.

Why? Why does it fit?

Jerome Bettis, for example

You mean you're sorry this was alleged, right?

I’m glad the party of “fiscal responsibility” will have Texas courts tied up with suits from both sides for the next decade.

First I have to pay off all this waterfront land I bought in New Mexico

It seems to stem from voice texting on Android devices (not sure about Apple stuff). Randomly capitalizes words for me as well.

And you really think they’re sucking up to Alec Baldwin?

Of course they were. There was a time Adrian Brody was looked and presented as a sex symbol.

You just be awesome at parties.

Well, if they get attacked and beaten, they'll probably shoot to defend themselves.

Or being actually beaten and attacked, which Rittenhouse was. On camera.

You..... are not good at this.