
Or don't, and just carry on living your life.

“Candy ass” is a pretty clear-cut gay slur. Why are you Hitlers posting this????? Nice job killing gay people.

It’s pure silliness, and fake outrage, and Doucheyface knows this. He/she just LOVES the outrage machine too much.

You sound insane, and also like you're not a fan of free speech. Fuck you very much then.

Whatever will Netflix do now??

Yes, because he's KILLING trans people! Can't you read?????

No. Girls playing with logging trucks is not "what it's all about." Read the article, not just the headline.

Yes, because Dave Chappelle was getting trans people HARMED.

But he’s killing trans people! Killing them!

No. It’s now in the lexicon because there are countless trolls who launch full-on campaigns against those who don’t pass their purity tests

You and thousands of others are whining endlessly about it. Sounds like "edge" to me...

Well, it IS edgy free speech. No need for defense at all - it exists, it's out there, and it doesn't require your woke approval.

Then stop being exhausted by stand-up comedians. Move on with yourself.

Holy fuck you people are ridiculous.

“Spirit animal”

Your obsession with race is truly disturbing. We're all people here.

Now, I despise Mitch McConnell like any good American should. I think he’s pure scum. But I’m curious:

Jesse was trying to race-bait there, way to ruin it with facts!

Much love to Beck, who definitely had value. That said, not a devastating loss in my eyes. Beck was a one-note, one-speed guy who I believe had been surpassed by the likes of Mikey Day & Alex Moffatt as the Everyman. Not to mention the unstoppably awesome female cast that has had its talons dug into the show for the

My thoughts and prayers are with you in your acronym struggles.