
I know it’s the natural defense, but it just cracks me up how so many powerful figures

She also directs quite a bit of the show so whoopsie!!


Good thing Sam has ground his future, in time travel

The “black man,” since I guess that’s all he is to some of you, got an extended audition just like the others did. He drew mixed reviews and, like most of the others, didn’t get chosen.

Your need to spell out every second of everything you review makes for writing that’s all but impossible to read comfortably.

Cause of death? You guessed it, Frank Stallone

Conan tried several times, in typical Conan fashion, to derail that brilliant joke with his attention-whoring. I'm so glad it didn't work.

I mean, just painfully unfunny. Were it not centered solely on wokeness, this site would be shredding it for us awfulness.

You unfollowed someone you’re a fan of, because a random AV Club commenter told you that he tries to get laid on Twitter?

Sorry but you reeeeaally do need the details, Church Lady.

ABSOLUTELY, this right here, leaves VERY few boxes unchecked on my Said Mean Things Apology Rubric.

She probably wasn’t the *only* one.

That’s... quite a reason to stop watching something

Perhaps she just worked through it, being an adult as she is.

A show that tackles legitimate issues in a solid way, but has no right to call itself a comedy. Nothing funny has ever been said on it.

Because the real appeal is the hunt itself.

Not everybody is an Aaliyah fan wahhhhhhhh...

Well, *might* be a beast, Jesus Christ.

I don’t even think he/she knows at this point.