
"Here's ten examples to watch out for."

Windows are still too small. Not buying.

Still isn't squat compared to OmniWeb's tab handling. I have yet to see anything even come close. There's been overkill, where the tabs take over, and there's been underkill, where the tabs look like folder headers... but only OmniWeb has hit the sweet spot.

I don't have any naughty bits, I only have manly bits.

Jason has it right. If range of motion is important, then warm up first. Stretch second (and do it gently, progressively.)

We're a few years early for this stuff, yet... but don't worry. In 2020, this will all seem funny.

Better yet, don't eat garlic or onions at all. That way, your skin, armpits, and breath won't be turning off anyone with a healthy nose. OTOH, if you don't *care* what you smell like... eat up.

@David Schripsema: No Vector W8 twin turbo... Complete and utter fail. Coolest looking car ever made. So far. :)

@borovec: Wouldn't have helped you here... guy drove it away on its trailer. And then, when he couldn't start it, it wouldn't have been out and about to be found by the cop. Whoops.

"The test is whether police officers can expect some of the conversations they have while on the job to remain private and not be recorded and replayed for the world to hear."

Wait, what? Why should I spend my time manipulating windows when I can just shift my eyes? Why would I want my tool palettes to hide parts of my images and drawings? Keeping in mind there is no monitor I can buy equal to the resolution of my DSLR... What is the point of an IM system if you can't see who's on? Of what

I'm just going to go ahead and outright disagree.

Here are a couple of mine:

Yeah, what the article would say minus the hyperbole is that OSX 10.6 (not 10.5, apparently) is getting a trackpad, which you can use alongside your mouse for some things. *yawn*

@wolfstone: No sir, it's because 80% of the population are right eye dominant; women get breast cancer in the left breast most often because this is the breast most directly in line with the observer's right eye, and therefore the one with the most quantum interaction with the observer. You quarky bastards, quit

Oh, please. "a wave of electromagnetic radiation", my ass. The EM spectrum isn't peanut butter, to be smeared evenly at such and such a place. The frequency and intensity of each signal, as related to the resonance of the metal structure will control where and how much signal is concentrated — if any. And the odds

Hugely overcomplicated. Just look at Omniweb's implementation of tabs. Grouping, visual... the important stuff is there, but it is orders of magnitude simpler, and it doesn't hide your browser, the key mistake made here — when I'm browsing, do NOT assume you can hide my content with your "feature", because that's what