
I think it's because they live in an apartment. Pretty much everyone in LA-set sitcoms live in single family homes.

How I Met Your Mother suffers from the same problem. You can't commit yourself to a particular series finale at the start of the show and then kill time for an indeterminate number of seasons until you get there. It just doesn't work.

I think Jimmy Jr. stole his magic routine from GOB Bluth.

I had no idea that was the general consensus. I thought every episode of season 1 was brilliant (aside from the first episode), but every season since then has been a disappointment.

If you compare her to what she looked like 20 years ago, it's not great. If you compare he to the average woman in her mid 40s, it's not so bad. If you're going to criticize the way she looks with surgery, you have to be realistic about what the alternative is.

That was my reaction, too. We should have A.V. Club inventory about shows/artists ripping off their own parodies.

When this show first came out, I read an article about whether the show could survive if one of the stars lost weight. That has not proven to be a problem.

The show is so much better than its reputation. "Is That a 10 Foot Sandwich or Are You Just Glad to See Me" is one of the greatest sitcom episodes of the 90s.

You're absolutely right that watching the whole series in one sitting is the way to go. That's what I did and I really liked it. I can't imagine watching it as six individual episodes.

You could be right about the vampire bit. If that picture is any indication, Grendel really, really likes attacking the neck.

I was shocked that Holt was okay with Peralta punching Brogan after he heard the full story. I'm not saying Brogan was sympathetic, but it was still a cop punching a civilian for saying something offensive, which is completely unacceptable.

That's not entirely true. The ALF cliffhanger was eventually resolved in a made-for-tv movie.

This isn't really a review of Civilization's merits as a television program. It may or may not be a good show, but you're not making any effort to look past your disagreement with Ferguson's politics.

This isn't really a review of Civilization's merits as a television program. It may or may not be a good show, but you're not making any effort to look past your disagreement with Ferguson's politics.

The relevation that Travis missed out on Holly's taters had more of an emotional impact on me than the story with Laurie. That was tragic.

The last Queen of Jordan episode was so painful, I couldn't finish watching it and I haven't seen an episode since. It completely ruined the show for me. Just truly, truly awful stuff.

I wasn't sure if that was a mistake or a joke. I think someone mistakenly thought it was Asia on one of the Arrested Development commentary tracks. Even for AV Club, that's probably too obscure to be an intentional reference though.

@Scrawler2:disqus That was just my not-so-subtle way of saying I've been to the Community set. I won the charity auction that was advertised here a few months ago to visit the set for a day. It was awesome.

Scrawler: The Community set does not have unisex bathrooms.

Necro Butcher is the name of the bass player from Mayhem. Bit of an odd reference for Psych.