
And they could never afford that apartment either. Girl, it's a sitcom. Calm down.

Needs a Kirstie Alley cameo.

But it's Haymitch who tells Peeta to initiate and make public love story arc. It isn't mentioned in the book, but it seems implied that Haymitch does this for Katniss' benefit. They talk at length about how unlikeable Katniss is from a viewer's stand point, so it's possible that Haymitch asks Peeta to talk about his

To your first point, it's about defiance. The players are supposed to have their eye on the prize — winning the game and gaining that fame and fortune. When Katniss mourns the death of her ally with flowers, it reminds the viewers at home in the districts what's happening and what the Capitol is doing, that it's more

You're going to try and imply that Canada is less bland than America? Girl, LOL

Then how do you explain his good relations to Jonas and Sabrina for example? I just think it's really easy to dismiss him as a racist. It doesn't seem to be the case. He's just ignorant and a jerk. No doubt he has said/done racist things, but there is a difference between racists acts and the state of being a racist.


Weak argument. Calling someone ghetto could definitely be a racist thing, but Colton's rant went on and was clearly about class. Being a jerk to someone who is of a different race isn't automatically racist either. Further, if you are going to jump to that conclusion, are you also going to jump passed the fact that

Look, I hate having to defend Colton, but he clearly isn't racist. There is a difference between having hatred and prejudice and just being ignorant. Colton is  ignorant. To say that racism is the root of his stupidity at tribal council cheapens actual discrimination.

"Deuces" is gracious and funny?

The mini-marathon joke was pretty funny too!

This show is way too meta. Ozzy and Coach know exactly how they want to be portrayed and so they conduct themselves in these very obvious and over the top ways. The pisser is that CBS and the editors not only let them get away with it, they play along as well. Cut the crap.

Doesn't matter in relation to my point. Historically, there are obviously minorities who have been persecuted moreso than gays. However, in this current moment, no. There is no minority that is systemically discriminated against, attacked, villianized, killed, led into suicide, etc. than gays are right now.

It relates to this review because I am talking about the review, obviously. The author is dismissive and ignorant of the issues gay people face. A previous episode's recap held the view that somehow Finn outing Santana as gay and her calling him fat were a moral equivalent. This one dismissed the conversation between

Imagine how gays feel about the past essentially hundred years of movies and television. LOL! No offense ;)

I'd argue that these recaps would be better if you got a writer that wasn't completely ignorant and dismissive of the issues gays (particularly gay teens) face.

The exact situation is irrelevant to the point though. The recap treated the two  as if they were equivalent and they're obviously not. Regardless of Finn's intent, he said in public "why don't you come out of the closet?" Which was overheard and led to the attack ad. I'd like to hear any scenario in which Santana's

There is an obvious difference between the kind  bullying Santana engaged in with Finn and him outing her. People don't get killed because they're fat. People don't get killed because they are fat. Congress doesn't pass laws to oppress fat people. Parents don't kick their children out of their home because they're fat.

No, it's not basically "Cajun rice." It has rice in it, but it's not like flavored rice. There is supposed to be a lot of juice and it is like a soup or strew.

That's obviously part of the joke. It's funny because she's a woman doing it.