Lord Buckethead

And yet many of those police groups will continue to endorse Republicans even though they pass laws that directly lead to higher police death rates.

Check out a map when you get a chance.

I didn’t get especially choked up over the Scalise shooting.

It’s nice when you can write laws that drastically increase the chances of others being killed as a result, but you put in safeguards that can really lower the threat to you at the same time.

I just remembered Joe the Plumber is from Ohio. I can’t wait to hear him say that a dead baby fetus is less important than his right to bear arms while his fellow Republicans run around screaming abortion is murder and a woman shouldn’t have the right to choose.

If somehow all the children of the Republican members in congress were killed in a mass shooting, then there’s a slight chance they might consider passing some extremely lightweight gun safety laws.

How much you want to bet the Ohio state capitol building is excluded from places where people can open carry?

Sure Republicans, and their NRA masters, will just continue to do nothing about the gun menace and there will be more people who die in mass shootings.

Bill Simmons is already preparing a 5000 word column on how Tatum is better than Kobe Bryant ever was.

Hopefully, with Tatum and Ball, now the Celtics and Lakers will finally have a couple of superstars to go up against each other that they’ve sorely lacked throughout their franchise histories

God I hope so. At this point I think Trump could order Washington D.C. destroyed with a hydrogen bomb to try and cover his tracks and the Republicans who survived the blast wouldn’t consider it enough to merit any charges.

I think the fact MU a shitload a trophies with Rooney should ease the pain considerably.

Full pajama wanker.

Counterpoint: It’s still Everton you’re talking about.

Liberal congress bias.

Rooney promised he’d cut down to 2 packs of cigarettes a day and Everton called it good.

But so what?

You people in the media really need to stop focusing on the hundreds of coincidences that link Trump and Russia together and realize this whole thing is fake news and a witch hunt. The real issue is and always has been Benghazi.

+1 whatever the hell the mother’s name was.

Even worse is it was just reported that Embiid and Simmons both shattered their wrists signing a get well card for Fultz.