Lord Buckethead


Meanwhile Charles looks eerily like the recently deceased Frank DeFord, sans mustache, in that photo.

How many times is Black Rod going to fall for that gag where the House of Commons slams the door in his face? They get him with it every single year.

The standards for a job, where you get to use the word “honorable” in front of your name, sure have dropped like lead in the last several months.

As someone who grew up a die hard Celtics fan, I share that sentiment.

Your trolling sucks. Try again dumbshit.

None of which is going to matter in the slightest.

“Hmmmmm, interesting. I’m going to greenlight this idea and give you $25 million to develop it onto a screenplay.”

Gary Bettman cautioned the VGK that, although the new uniforms may encourage its players to go out and completely destroy the other teams in the league, he wants them alive. No disintegrations.

As a resident of one of those states, I’m becoming less optimistic they can be turned back by logic.

Yeah because states like Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania have just been bastions of progressive policies and strong Democratic support recently.

Desperate messaging that won’t work nationally?!?!?

Any doubt there might have been about the senate not passing the ACA repeal, because they would be too scared of the voter backlash, has been erased with this result. They can do it now secure in the knowledge they’ll probably keep the Senate and House in 2018.

You underestimate the power of the dark side.

What makes you so confident this is the hill Republicans are going to die on?

It’s almost like these guys are a bunch of hypocrites with no morals or ethics who will just do whatever is politically convenient for them.

I’m sure this ruling is going to carry a lot of weight with Putin.

Funny how that “The blood of patriots and tyrants watering the tree of liberty” saying they’re so fond of suddenly changes when they’re the ones in the crosshairs.

The Coyotes also said that a new arena can help them get over the pain of letting such a popular player go.

Children, homosexuals and brown people get gunned down en masse, while Trump and other prominent Republicans leaders constantly spew the most vile hatred that we’ve seen from out top leaders in the last century. Nary a peep from the rank and file and the conservative media.