Lord Buckethead

The Cleveland Haphazards?

Yeah but he’s going to probably be our President soon.

It’s a little known fact that George’s contract says he can only leave if he can beat the Pacers President in a game of HORSE. Which he could never do as long as Larry Bird was around.

The curse of the bully goat is over.

Well you have to remember Trump is very sensitive about 9/11 ever since, from his Trump tower residence, he was able to see thousands of people in Jersey City celebrating as the towers fell.

Or call covers “caps”.


Will this make me a fast buck? Is the only consideration that crosses Trump’s mind in everything he does.

It was partly for the name recognition Pierce and Garnett brought with them, and partly because the Nets thought they were stable enough a franchise by then that, even if it didn’t lead them to a title, they’d still be a middle of the pack team in the league when those picks rolled around so they’d be giving up picks

Don’t you know that one is for killing and the other is for fun?

This is going to get recorded on their shipfax report.


Oh.....Didn’t realize the SOL had expired on all the other accusers. Thanks.

Even if he beats this, aren’t there a whole bunch of other women he raped that he can be charged with and brought to trial?

What are you talking about?!?!?!

The Detroit “comeback” is absolute horseshit propagated by the local media, politicians, and people who think that opening a some casinos, stadiums and few coffee houses and restaurants in the downtown core, which still contains dozens of empty skyscrapers BTW, while most of the other 99% of the city is miles and

As opposed to whole states like Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi, which have absolutely FLOURISHED under Republican controlled governments.

Here are the main ways Mr. I “rebuilt” Detroit.

It is quite possible this is all because he was flipping channels and he saw some old footage of the Cuban Missile Crisis and decided he couldn’t let this threat go unanswered.

I’m sure Trump’s move is completely out of his concern for the people of Cuba and not just because to undo another thing Obama did.