
My theory is that having the likes of Bill Burr is a deliberate choice by the producers to ramp up the “hamminess” like the serialized Westerns would have. Often they woul have guest star that in no way would belong in that setting. This is what makes it so jarring. It’s like when John Wayne played Ghengis Khan: it

The appeal of this trilogy is MNS is playing with some big ideas regarding the need for myth in society but also the hero’s journey/call to arms/spiritual awakening and the need to embrace what you are meant to become (in the same vein as Star Wars, maybe). David Dunn is the reluctant hero- the one who is lost and

Is that opening sentence about a hero being a good person dealing with a bad day your original thought or might you have heard it from somewhere? Either way, it’s pretty powerful stuff.

Why is the new crop of English female actors so darn lovable and adorable? Felicity Jones, Emilia Clarke, Daisy Ridley, Emily Blunt (older crop). Swoon

Serious question: how/when did Dana trash Holly? When Holly wanted to fight Miesha instead of wait for Rhonda to come back?

I’m thinking Arya will go undercover using the faces to spy on LF and Sansa scheming all the while not knowing Sansa is only in cahoots with Baelish to double-cross him down the line. But Arya is going to act on that (erroneous) information and take Sansa out. Just my theory.

I think one permutation for this Arya/Sansa conflict that I forsee will be that Arya will be covertly watching events unfolding at Winterfell all the while Sansa will be secretly trying to bring down Littlefinger by joining him in his scheming for the Iron Throne (ie trying to out-Baelish, Baelish). But Arya won’t be

I have a feeling they’re setting up a Sansa betrayal of Jon. The fact that Jon didn’t include her in the plans for The Battle for Winterfell and his assumed bastard lineage doesn’t bode well for the White Wolf. Littlefinger is the devil on Sansa’s shoulder and I think she will fall victim to his deceit.

Calling it now: Dany will wind up together with Tyrion. It’s the ultimate ugly swan/80's movie. It would give Tyrion everything he’s ever wanted: to have the most powerful/hot chick in the 7 kingdoms see past all is physical shortcomings (couldn’t help myself) and love him for who he is on the inside. She is known to

Anyone know where Bronn is?

How did Steve know that The Winter Soldier killed Tony’s parents?

For all The Punisher naysayers out there, consider Sheriff Hood from the show, Banshee. He’s a total vigilantee type that is typically considered to be in a “heroic” position that they’ve totally managed to make compelling and sympathetic to the audience . For all intents and purposes, his character is totally Frank

I would love to see a Punisher series that stands as a foil to Daredevil’s brand of justice. Themes like: the ends justifying the means, collateral damage, ninja-like stealth vs setting enemy traps in the form of explosions, heavy artillery fire etc. In all reality, they could mine all of Batman vs Superman’s themes

I used to be the head bouncer at a popular nightclub in New York City. As you could imagine at such places, many celebrities would come through our doors but ultimately, I was charged with being the gate keeper and as such, I would take it upon myself to knock celebs down a few pegs any chance I got. To prove their