
admittedly, in much younger years, i wouldn’t worry about my feet because they were in socks and shoes all day, every day; layers and layers of protection from dirt, obviously!

geh! this article really says she should smile more?

this sounds like a take from someone who has zero interest in understanding or acknowledging trauma (and may actually be completely incapable of doing so). how embarrassing for you. i’m sure there are some particularly toxic subreddits that would love to have you, though. 

i noticed that M. Gandolfini mentioned taking a break from social media for a bit recently, and i wondered if it was for something similar to this. it’s a bit unique as the comparisons to/mentions of his father make a bit more sense (in relation to his most recent role), but i’m sure it’d be no less difficult to deal

i might think especially fondly of it since it was my first K-drama, but Abyss was fun and cute (if not a bit confusing at times). it’s like supernatural-thriller-meets-rom-com, and i really loved it!

i’ll keep that in mind! i am feeling the travel itch again... even if i can’t go right now, it’ll make for some good daydreaming/price-checking. it sucks how expensive international travel from the US is, but this should help; thanks for the tip :) .

same in Japan; there really is something special about that experience, and the lower prices really help when the cost of airfare is so high.

i probably stopped in my early teens... but if i handed out candy, i would gladly hand it out to all ages.

er, what kind of life should someone over 40 resign themselves to, that isn’t “simple”? suburban sitcom parents that dress like they fell out of a clothing catalogue?

interesting choice! even with his more comedic roles, his portrayal in Detroit made my stomach turn, and sticks out in my mind; hopefully he can put some of that range to use here, too.

i may be in the minority, but killing a bear in Far Cry also seems sad. i’m currently playing through Nier Replicant, and i don’t really like killing sheep either (which is actually a requirement in the initial questline).

even when you consider the intense grief she’s dealing with now, Kimberly is an absolute terror.

not really. it’s still the image of a dog, the sound of a dog, which you violently bring an end to. generally, animals (including dogs) are considered to be more helpless/innocent compared to adult humans, as well.

soy beans/edamame! i used to really love lima beans though. they were somewhat “peelable” and as a kid, that was sort of fun.

one of my favorite school assignments, reading this. very excited.

clarification: i don’t hate this article and i get/appreciate the intended tone, but still, what’s described feels like returning to high school or something. no thank you! i will wear proudly my Badges of Oldness with a laugh or two at myself instead.

at my company, just “deck” is definitely used to refer to PowerPoint presentations. “i’ll send out this deck after the meeting” and so on.

i am okay being, and sounding, old AF; the alternative according to this article seems absolutely terrible.

people seem surprised that i still say “excuse me” often. if i clear my throat, if i yawn, if i burp (even a silent one), sneezes... when i think about it, i suppose i don’t see many people doing that these days.

this needs a summer version when it comes back around; living in the south, these are the months i can actually exercise outside without fearing heat stroke or spontaneous combustion.