Rainy, muddy, cold (but fun) all through the night. El P took the stage to morning Sun.
Rainy, muddy, cold (but fun) all through the night. El P took the stage to morning Sun.
Saw El back in 03 or 04 open the last day of some small ass Adirondack festival after a night staying up all night tripping in the woods after a Ween performance and my addled mind felt this dude was destined for big things. Finally gonna see him again this Summer in Seattle and this time he is a festival headliner. …
I was saying boo-urns.
It's important right now because it's topical. That is exactly the sort of social conscience we need from our Directors of Business Development.
Yeah, story of my Steam account. This is one of many, many games I bought for peanuts and have never, ever touched.
and EDDIE IZZARD! (film's still kinda meh)
No tiny american flag pin, no dice.
Wrong again. He invented podcast racing.
How to decorate your house 'on theme' for only 19.95!
See what I like is Costello's face, but on Abbott's body. Rawr!
"Money's too tight for Batman."
Speaking of Holiday Inn…that reminds me of the Bunnicula sequel Howliday Inn. Where are we this franchise adaptation Hollywood? Past time, no? I say live action animals with human voice overdub, but animated is fine. Hey, I'm easy!
You expect me to swallow that tripe?!?
Yep. Yup. Yep. Uhhm-hmm.
Oh wow I vaguely remember a jar of that in the fridge when I was real little. I stand corrected. That shit was good.
Back in the day I used run on a treadmill in my parents' basement to Stop Making Sense. One day I left the tape in the VHS and my mom picked up wherever I left off for her exercise session. Later she was clearly bewildered by the film. She was like 'I don't know about the music…but that movie…was just…crazy'. She…
Damn I never realized till now they're singing "…home from work we go"…I thought it was 'it's off to work we go'.
Bosco or gtfo.
He could y'know, just..not do publicity around this time. I mean…what is it exactly (besides his retrograde worldview) that he's promoting? But I get it yeah…what's a guy like Scott Baio supposed to do…not be an asshole?