Ayuh…but sometimes…they come back.
Ayuh…but sometimes…they come back.
Woozle wuzzle?
Summer jeans
Ripped at the seams
Ohhhh I grabbed that puss too tight!
Yeah opening track of Manassas is as cool as anything CSNY ever did.
What you need then sir, are my patented, space-age, out-of-this-world, MOON Waffles!
Palin and Nugent are clearly fucking each other, not for pleasure, mind you…they are going to birth the new Dark Lord.
In French even, sometimes. Didn't mean to say that like Snagglepuss…but cartoon talk gets me that way.
At ease: basically the exact opposite feeling evoked by Wilder's creepy 'rowing song' during the boat ride.
It's two concurrent tours that meet up for like maybe 7 or 8 (I can't count) dates towards the end. I got kinda excited because I'm seeing FL on their tour but alas no Demarco.
"The wait was always two hours, and they all voted for Trump."
Put him out on one of those ice floes that clearly isn't melting.
Between this and Thor: Ragnarok (not to mention Dr Strange) I'm getting the feeling that Marvel is going to keep continually raising its own bar. These look smokin.
Makes me want to have a kid just to steal the bit. But then there's, yknow…the rest of its life.
Those aren't bagels…they're bracelets!
This isn't ancient history. My own grandmother (I'm 37) escaped Germany (her family considered themselves Germans). Two of her sisters were not as lucky and perished in Dachau. But it's not like Spicer or Trump have forgotten…they are just so incurious they have never bothered to learn a damn thing unrelated to…
Then they went home and popped their Viagra before strapping in for The O'reilly Factor.
Yeah I never noticed Igor (the cop he and his instawife abduct) is on the courthouse steps during the Batman episode until binge watching last week.
You guys are ruining the Prom!
I don't say this just to be contrary, but I see Neeson as more appropriate than every name you mentioned.
Is that an ashtray for each guest?