Fwee Wub

Not surprised…I find the commercials for both places creepy as shit in a vague and insidious way.

I don't know…I don't see Hank as the Facebook type…so maybe his mind wouldn't be so poisoned against Hilary. Plus you KNOW Dale would be talking his ear off nonstop with all the conspiracy theories (hell he'd likely end up like that guy who pulled a gun in that pizza place) forcing Hank even further away from buying

Hate to say…but we're fucked anywhich way.

I'm more prone to auditory hallucination than visual when I ingest cannabis…so Audio.

She is (quite clearly) speaking of her experiences as someone who does not fit supposed 'normative' gender standards.

Eat dessert first. Bam.

I always giggle when non-fat Mac rocks a Tommy Bahama.

Actually I believe we are now saying 'Wherever Bearer'

X-Men: Wake Me When Marvel Acquires the Rights

So I think we can all agree Christene Baranski would make a mean Betsy Devos in the film adaptation of the coming apocalypse…

Twas mine as well until late in season 2 when the cops show up just as the battle erupts between Hulk Forrest and Mrs. Greenfield's cult. Or maybe it's when he can't reach the fire extinguisher…

Well, speaking as a Jew…my German and Polish family spoke no or very little Yiddish, they spoke German and Polish. My father's side, from Russia and Romania, did. I don't think Yiddish dominated all Euro/Jewish people at that time (could be wrong). And it features Hitler getting gunned to pieces, which is sort of

Only made it to issue 4. I think you pretty much had to be 6-8 when those were issued to be aware of them. or be its creator… http://melbirnkrant.com/ani… Guy seems a little miffed that his vision for a comic about guys with animal hats and matching animal cars fighting a Skeletor ripoff was cut down before its

Or cut to the chase and give him a copy of Marvel's Animax.

It's chemtrails all the way down!

Gah! I hate when artists I enjoy play Portland and Vancouver and skip Seattle. I call upon the author to explain!

*circa 1974

Flip-flopper! Typical dimocrat behavior. SAD!

We (myself and, I'm guessing, most of the AVC) have seen the episodes comprising the first 10 or so years roughly 3 times each (lowball minimum) and roughly 3 episodes (highball maximum?) total since then.

Oh I took one of those so called integrity tests back in the day in order to obtain the extreme privilege of being employed at Petland Discounts. It was like 100 questions long but actually only like 10 questions asked 10 different ways that all boil down to 'is it ok to steal?'.