Ohhh a joke!?!…heh heh…I get jokes.
Ohhh a joke!?!…heh heh…I get jokes.
Y'know city mouse/country mouse? Stern/Kushner is city Jew/country club Jew. Not remotely the same thing. Except to maybe the Neo-Nazis…
I've never cheated on a test. Fact.
Skipped a shitload of classtime though.
I agree, and I don't want to make it seem like I'm attacking the comics. It's just that with all the man is doing a lot of it falls completely flat and in a way normalizes the shit he's done ('oh he's just another president and all presidents are comic fodder'). Stewart's bit fell real flat with me…the whole dead…
I agree. I trust their instincts, and they've earned it.
The man is basically a parody of himself. As much as I love South Park, and comedy, and political comedy etc. I'm having a hard time just wallowing in Trump jokes. This shit isn't funny. Humor can and often has done so much to illuminate and dissect, but speaking personally and just for the moment (I am grappling…
I reject the comparison. Sure they're both apes, but at least Donkey Kong knows how to wear a tie.
Almost upvoted, because I absolutely agree with you…but that fucking face.
Saw Tony Todd off broadway in a 3 person play co starring and written by Athol Fugard. Incredible presence.
when it comes he'll belatedly get his thousands cheering on the rooftops…
How bout Sludge Vohaul?
Similar, sure. I mean we laugh at Nazis but laugh with Cameron. I guess the similarity ends there.
I'd like to see some other nominated actors jump on in support. But then again, easy for me to say…I boycott the Oscars every year.
The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. The object of Twitter is Twitter.
I totally agree and it's served him well in his many roles as damaged losers and morons. I am being sincere when I say he's great in these minor roles (like "Superboy" in Cop Land) and I do think it's due to what you have observed.
The crazy thing is I live in Seattle and have only ever heard of this in Portland. Back when I ate meat I loved the cream cheese topped dog at some random Portland bar/dgg spot. I think the dog was called the Bob Dylan maybe? This was like 10 years ago.
Just gotta say he is so perfect in that role.
Hah. Jerry Nadler!…classic.
something something it's an X-blur!
I'll give you partial credit. She's just scary.