I agree. Transmission just works. I actually went from Utorrent to transmission because of the simplicity.
I agree. Transmission just works. I actually went from Utorrent to transmission because of the simplicity.
This whole post is late..Saw this on tumblr a few weeks back.
But will it blend?
I think it was more of a mockup UI than the real thing/phone
It seems like all of Gizmodo doesn't play nice with chrome. Including the goddamn sidebar. It has a freaking seizure everytime i try to scroll through it.
This actually looks pretty neat. I like the whole "space to stash an RFID" idea. Serves it's place for the future. What's up with all the rear pictures though? I would like to see how the front looks.
Anyone know where i can get a table like this? It looks badass and I want.
My comment didn't mean that I wouldn't gladly accept the ICS OTA update for my nexus s :)
Yeah, I meant both actually. The phone looks the same as the Nexus S (Samsung's fault) to me and the software just isn't up to par, visually. (Andriod's fault)
True. My guess is they'll release an official app right around the time they drop the "invite only"
I wish people would skim the article for atleast 2 mins before posting - maybe they'll grasp the concept
No No No. Not impressed Samsung. Just no impressed. I mean, ICS doesn't even look that good, just a bunch of gradients.
Lol, good point. That would be very awkward. It wil likely be the future of Andriod handsets - No physical buttons.
"Now we will avoid everything we can and take patents very seriously"
Not sure how else I would display that sort of brief information.
No credits on that picture. Did I spot an easter egg?
Feels like I'm playing Mirror's Edge...
What is this?
Erm, just dowloaded this. It asks to text me a verification code. Still waiting for it. Wtf?