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    You are 100 times more likely to find Yuengling in a bar in Pittsburgh than IC Light. Default dive bar here is Coors Light, Bud/Bud Light, Yuengling. I can’t even remember the last time I saw IC Light on tap outside of PNC Park, where it’s sold exclusively for nostalgic reasons (and it is awful, but ice cold with some

    This is interesting to me, because, for all the Yuengling hatred, I tend to put it on about par with Sam Adams, with Brooklyn being a whole class ahead. Yuengling tastes like barley, Sam always has a metallic taste to me; Sam is slightly better and also slightly pricier (at least where I live). Neither are what I

    It’s the fight of the human who punches things vs. the all-powerful alien who punches things. If you don’t root for the underdog, you’re clearly anti-human. Why do you hate humanity?

    I’d argue for “Yippie Kay-ay, Motherfucker” over SLJ, but either of them owns Jon Stewart.

    I got bounced for wearing Doc Marten boots. They had no tread left on them and were basically just big black leather moccasins, but the guy called them “work boots” and therefore not allowed.

    Christ, what kind of dick to you have to be to criticize grammar on the headline to a teenage suicide story? Get a fuckin life already, preferably one where you contribute something useful to another human.

    I own three pairs of shoes: my Doc Martens, flip-flops, and running shoes. The running shoes are for anything athletic. The docs are great because they’re black leather and therefore dressy enough for business casual, but also t-shirt and jeans shoes. But I’ve been wearing my flip flops a lot more for casual events;

    You’re lucky, Doug; my last PA inspection cost over $1600, half because of a sub-frame issue and half because of emissions BS. And of course $50 for new wiper blades, which every mechanic I’ve ever taken a car to has done, regardless of their condition.

    I’m currently looking around my desk trying to determine if it makes me look incompetent somehow, or just busy. I’m thinking it might be the former.

    Woot! Shoutout to Pittsburgh. (Which is way smaller than NOLA, and has a Maserati dealership)

    I was thinking you were going to go the other way with the stickers; Put some NRA stuff and maybe a Gadsden flag on there, I’d think that would put off most of the hippie weirdo element.

    I've lived in PA my entire life and the only person I know that's ever eaten scrapple is my wife's grandmother, and that was during the depression. I understand excluding cheese steak (or Primati's) as too city specific, except that the top of the list is CHICAGO pizza. Feh. Either is better than RI's stupid hot