
Reminds me of a former associate. Friends with the guy for ten years. helped him through a divorce, let him live with me for a few months while he got his crap together.

I can’t speak for the masses, but you get a thumbs up from me :D

I had a friend go all new agey, mainly quoting the secret like it’s the second coming.

Agreed, that situation would be a “Hop the nope train to get the fek outta dodge-ville”

Doinking vs feelings, one ends in sticky fun, the other has the potential to end in sticky fun...alone...

Yep, my junk overrode that judgement call and it was a massive trainwreck.

Bad idea, yes, but instead of the dancers, some of these could be quite funny to witness instead of well...you know...horrible.

I came for douchebag hipster jokes. I was not disappointed, ironic stars all around!

Same here, only one fail and I admittedly should have seen the issues a mile again. (headphone kickstarter that changed their tech specs in the last few hours of the campaign. I didn’t realize and backed them. My bad)

Best way to determine creepy factor.

I’m opting for everyone is innocent/horrible until proven otherwise, but this is one mother of a trainwreck nomatter how you look at it.

Arg, sorry, I hit enter and somehow posted without finishing that.

May I recommend a trusty boat oar for that discussion?

Damn, mind explaining more on this if you don’t mind. I’m not challenging you, I’m curious about how this came about

Damn, you beat me to it! Well played sir

One step forward, three steps back into the basement.

Such a cool interview!

Mature, nope, funny, definitely!

It’s fun, the art design and music is beautiful. however, you are at the mercy of the RNG more often then not.

Screw the abortion laws, let’s put out some laws about Pro-Lifer’s protesting outside public places with what seems to be horror movie reject fetus’ pictures.