
Tituss Burgess is an example of what Christianity should look like. Love the guy.

Remember when they tried to say that it took too much time to model women?

I mean, it’s possible they all got snapped too.

Comics don’t really mean a whole lot for these movies, unfortunately, unless it’s something they bring over. Wanda not being a mutant kind of sets that in stone.

My problem with this scene is just that I have no idea what the hell Mantis thought she was going to do that the others couldn’t.

I have to assume the Master not being there is due to either the Harold Saxon identity or Missy.

I just do that anyway, so at least you’re ahead of me in the game.

You just have to tell them to have a curséd day in response. That’ll balance it out.

And humans, if we gonn’ get naaaasty about it.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty good, and some of the moments are EXTREMELY Simpsons, it’s just... it feels super weird compared to a lot of episodes. Completely separating family members like that isn’t something they do very often anymore.

Crepes of Wrath is fucking bizarre.

He’s less a bigot and more someone who’s hyper-aware that fairy law doesn’t exactly apply to him.

At this point I think the guy’s completely justified if he decides to just sit on the damn book until he dies, with how many people have been constantly telling him to hurry up and write it.

I mean, according to him, he’s basically this horse’s surrogate brother.

The fact that this isn’t blindingly obvious to literally everyone kind of indicates why we need to burn down society and try again.

No Maximum Fun at all, notably.

Yeah Game of Thrones is pretty bad.

I’ll admit to being morbidly curious about this shambling beast of a show.

Worth noting none of these have any kind of vibration feature, if that’s a kicker for you. Only GCN controllers that plug into the USB adapter do.

Worth noting none of these have any kind of vibration feature, if that’s a kicker for you. Only GCN controllers that

I just use Google Play Music on my Google Home and that does me fine...