I thought the courtesy tap was expected.
Man, he was one of those I never even thought could die. Some people live so large you don’t consider they could ever stop.
Man, can we just do a return of 3rd Rock instead? What the hell else are French Stewart and Kristen Johnston doing these days?
Admittedly, he did say he barely paid attention.
Is that Matt Doyle?
Holy shit, “mongoloid”? Is it 2003?
Back in my day Dikachu was the only one allowed to use sarcasm.
Awesome opinion, bro.
I didn’t get a flu shot because I don’t have insurance, I live in a butthole area with no free clinics, and I can’t afford the $100 most places would have charged around me to do it without insurance, but I’ll happily take the shit this article throws at me because for those who easily can and didn’t, they deserve it.
Honestly, I thought it was pretty good? The fact that they don’t have a peach Frap working full-time during summer is one of their biggest lapses in “um, duh” to me.
Somehow never knew about that. Well, add it to the list of Tim Allen’s deep sins, I suppose.
Yeah, but there’s a difference between “probably did drugs” and “active conspiracy theorist who thinks liberals schemed with the media to cancel his shitty sitcon”.
It can be tough with a show like this just because the woman herself is center stage, is all- Lord knows it’s tarnished the hell out of Cosby Show and Home Improvement knowing the shit we do now.
From what I’ve heard in the first episode they play the politics for laughs on both sides and resolve it at the end without going too far into Trump sympathy- A few Hillary jokes, a few Trump jokes (including a blatant Russian collusion one, apparently) and then it’s done. Pretty much what I’d expect from this show.…
Those squiggly lines you love so much could go all the way down to fucking zero if I didn’t have to wake up every day to a new human rights violation.
Nothing like being the only vote for a fringe candidate to show your smarts!
He invited a few people to the White House for beers, and I seem to recall at one point discussed his preferences, so he wasn’t a teetotaler. He never struck me as a day drinker like Clinton, though.
Homer has a crayon in his brain. Also, a gene that makes him stupid. Also, he’s a drunk. Also, sitcom resets, so he’s stupid for whatever reason he needs to be that week.