I always wanted that on a shirt, but never got one.
I always wanted that on a shirt, but never got one.
I mean fighting with a charity worked so well for the WWE, so I’m sure it’ll work great for Ferrari.
It is a beautiful square-body Suburban.
Screw the Escalade, that clean square-body Suburban is the thing (wet) dreams are made of.
My grandfather owned one, but he traded it in on a drivable eggplant (read 1992 Chevy Caprice) when I was 8, so I don’t remember anything about it.
Bonus for non-convertibles: Better torsional rigidity.
His second time at McLaren is also a cautionary tale for teams, that you shouldn’t base all of the decisions around what one driver wants. They seemed, at least publicly, to always defer to the “Great Fernando” and it has cost them.
Please god, if Mazda makes the RX-9 with an inline six, don’t let them call it the RX-9. I can’t take the “brand dilution” diatribes in the comment section anymore.
This just in: Jalops can’t take a joke about a car that hasn’t been manufactured since 2002.
Neutral: Take the Valkyrie into WEC, make sure the GTE Vantage isn’t forgotten and still developed, use all of the Mercedes-AMG knowledge you can get in F1, keep working with Zagato on special runs for all models.
I must admit I’ve never had cheap crappy gumbo, so you’re probably right on that.
True. I was just going with quality of leadership.
Those of us who have studied Roman history have been seeing this for a while now. I believe we’re at the point where certain people are trying to move from Republic to Imperium. The issue is that we have a Nero instead of an Augustus at the helm. I don’t expect a 400-1500 year (depending on where you draw the line of…
Bad analogy. Gumbo is amazing the F-35 is not.
The only Mazda I’ve ever driven was a ‘91 B2200 (5-speed, RWD). That little truck has made me a Mazda fanboi for life. Now if only the 6 came in a diesel wagon...
This. Car prices have generally followed along with inflation. Average wages, have not.
Definitely different. I think I’ve seen 1 on the road. I’ve seen more Tour X’s than Regal GS’s
Engine tuned somewhere between the GTI and Golf R plus AWD and a good warranty. I’m not seeing any faults unless they really want the luxury badge.
Engine tuned somewhere between the GTI and Golf R plus AWD and a good warranty. I’m not seeing any faults unless they really want the luxury badge.
Bonus over the European choices, American car maintenance costs.