
Same tired jokes and bitching from everyone. Minor migraine starting.

How do you go through that long explanation of what a henchman is and not mention the Venture Bros.

Fucking Jerry’s can’t leave anything alone.

Go for the original, not the imitation. It’s from 1957 Le Mans, in case anyone is wondering.

I’ll take BRG (the 1959 Aston Martin BRG not this crap they’re doing now) with yellow lipstick and mirrors. Fuck this over designed shit.

I still say get rid of the blue flags before anything else, but refueling in F1 added a chess like element into the sport that has been severely missing. It’s a different type of exciting and even though it was in the middle of a fairly boring season the 2004 French Grand Prix was an amazing drive by Schumacher where

Your car is a reflection of me lately.

I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if there are Epstein connections.

Take him out back and “Old Yeller” his ass?

He’s an in house artist, not a designer. He is documenting the history of Aston Martin through art.

I won’t dispute your second point.

That depends on why you watch the sport. I watch things like F1 and Formula E much more for the technical development than anything else. You may watch motorsports for a different reason. I’m just pointing out that the drivers are only one cog in the team. They may be the public face but they cannot do their job if

I’m going to ignore the part about not wanting an unreliable car.

It all depends on what type of group your going after. The regular sports crowd requires drama. The nerd crowd does not.

It is a comment on the usual people who start to bring up removal of technologies from racing. In my opinion the driver is just a member of the team. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Because people cling onto a the romantic idea that the drivers are supposed to be the only thing that really matters despite motorsports being a team sport.

This is my favorite of the Nazi punchings. I love the fact that the Nazi is doing the “Now, Let’s be civil.” hand signal and still get’s decked, just as he deserved.

Lead’s useful. Everything he touches turns into toxic shit.

I’m not sure why they don’t do a Hybrid AWD thing using electric motors. the people that want Hybrids are happy and the people who want AWD are happy. I’d be happy because for some weird reason I like the C-HR and seeing them makes me happy.

Interestingly enough, even though the majority of the readers are based in the US, the internet is accessible by people around the globe.