
As far as racing comedies go, I think it can be an intelligent comedy and not have to resort to the “punching down” method that Talladega Nights uses against NASCAR fans and drivers.

For me its LFA>CGT. Porsche doing a bat-shit crazy supercar is expected, Toyota doing a supercar of any kind is more impressive in my book. There’s a Jeremy Clarkson quote from the Top Gear review that goes something like The LFA isnt a Lexus, its Toyota showing what they are truly capable of.” I think it’s

I bet the cars won’t sound as good as they did in LeMans. For a movie thats almost 50 years old, the sound quality is amazing.

Thats only good if you enjoy the whole “stupidity as comedy” bit. I find Talladega Nights to be one of the most annoying movies ever made.

As my father used to say, “Germany will probably try to take over the world again, but this time they’ll do it with economics instead of the military.”

My lottery fantasies usual live in the $100K-125K range for road cars. I want old race cars more than any of the current high performance cars on sale. I’m to the point now where I don’t even know what Ferrari, Lamborghini, et al are actually selling.

I agree with you, but I don’t feel that you represent “most Americans”. Your argument was way too well written.

Funny, I had no issues with the F10 550i xDrive I bought at 60k miles.

Isnt Disney already the darkside of a Disney/Pixar movie?

Face it most Americans still point at the Soviet Union as the reason why communism and socialism won’t work, even though that system was a heavily modified version of Marxism that became niether communist or socialist as soon as Stalin seized power.

Citroen still exists.

I do use an extended Golf platform as a daily but for some reason the MK6 Sportwagen is labelled as a Jetta.

Never heard of Roux before but $1400 for a carbon fiber helmet is pretty good.

The liveries are fairly half-assed tributes, but they should have been using throwback liveries the whole time.

Pretty much.

I have a $200 suit coat that I think I paid $25 for from the discount rack.

I think the ISV was made to be more consumer oriented and I would assume acts more like my VW TDI than the big inline 6. Supposedly the numbers are:

Man that 1893 must be almost dust by now. /s

Im not sure if you’re being glib or not, but you have hit the nail on the head. There is absolutely no reason for women’s clothing to not be functional as well as fashionable. It is just stupid.

I haven’t driven any of them, but the ISV has the same fuel system and basic head design as the ISB (the 6.7) but is a 5.0 liter V8 instead. I would assume that the driving characteristics are similar, but I might be wrong.