Matchstick Man

Music geek tidbit: the nerdy collector in the first clip above, who is denied his prized Captain Beefheart import, is Al Johnson, then singer for hip arty noise weirdos U.S. Maple.

Yeah, I was one of those people.

Good luck, it's a hard one.

I first met Dean not long after my wife and I split up. And then the murders began.

A screaming comes across the sky. It has happened before, but there is nothing to compare it to now. And then the murders began.

The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel. And then the murders began.

To be fair, Solovar predates Savitar in the comics by decades.

Wait, was the other show The Americans? Because you should really watch that. It's really good.

I thought of this too. When the lack of coffee on Earth #19 first came up, I said to my wife that it sounded like the Red Universe. So when the show mentioned an incursion that almost destroyed that Earth I immediately thought of Walter's shenanigans. I think it might be an intentional meta-reference, much like the

Harewood's busy playing a different alien at the moment.

What better way to honor Doctor Who's original creator, Sidney Newman, than to cast a Canadian? It's not like she's American (or Irish). Plus, Canadians seem to be making ALL the sci-fi shows these days.

I thought it even resembled the X-1 slightly.

Upvoted only because I'm wearing a Tatamagouche Brewing Co. t-shirt as I type this.

Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet
The Constantines
Eric's Trip

The fact that Elliot is not present means the scene can be taken at face value. Ray works at the prison, he's not a convict himself (well, he isn't yet). In that scene we were seeing him at his home.

As a lifelong Red Sox fan, the image that haunted my nightmares for nearly two decades wasn't ever Buckner. It was the abject fear in fucking Calvin Schiraldi's eyes one strike away from glory. I then mentally conceded the game as lost when I saw fucking-NO-are-you-kidding-me Bob Stanley come into the game. By the

Venture Bros. Season 2
Misfits Season 1
Doctor Who Series 5

Season 3, though I love Season 4 as well. Season 3 really wraps up the original Barksdale storyline, and the last two seasons tell their own stories, for better (S4) or worse (S5, which isn't bad except in comparison to the first four). I also think Season 1 was excellent, and Season 2 was even better, if not at the

"Go that way, really fast. If something gets in your way, turn."

No, but he was played by Lord Percy Percy from Blackadder.