Matchstick Man

The worst thing about the movie IMO is Sam Rockwell (whom I normally like) playing Zaphod as a George W. Bush parody. And the less said about the two-head effect the better.

Polar is indeed king of all seltzers. My personal favorite flavor is Cucumber Melon, which is only available in the summer. Pomegranate is a close second.

Just got to this episode, and I’m not a musician, but I had the same thought. Also, I could be wrong, but even after turning it on, an instrument like that might take several seconds to warm up.

Now playing

I had a friend who called it “foofur” after a cartoon dog of the era.

Yeah, I’ve got that one too. :)

The first four Ubu singles were reissued on vinyl as a box set in 1994, with original art and labels. I bought it, and they blew my tiny mind.

The McDonald’s was one of the more glaring anachronisms, I thought. The bright red roof and white exterior is a ‘90s look. In ‘87 it would have had a dark roof and unpainted brick.

Sounded like the original to me.

Buenos Dias! Oinkoinkoink!

I kind of want Talbot to be snapped. All the buildup to him as Graviton, only to have him blink out of existence in the finale would be kind of hilarious.

I watched the first episode of Brooklyn 9-9 (via antenna, even) and was immediately hooked. Normally, I probably wouldn’t have given it a chance, but two factors led me to check it out. One was a glowing review on the old AV Club, and the other factor was that it had Andre Braugher on a cop show, which had worked

Dibs on “Facet Squared”

I just watched this tonight and remarked to my wife that Matt Frewer had a more natural-looking hairpiece as Max Headroom.

"He also believed that the murder of millions of people was not okay to get away with." Of course, that murder of millions prevented the death of billions. Adrian is culpable to be sure, and had Rorschach decided to kill him directly, I'm not sure anyone would have stopped him. (Whether he capable of even doing so is

I believe this is no longer true. That in the age of eBay, leagues do destroy championship loser gear rather than distribute it overseas.
I admit, as a New Englander, that I laughed out loud when I saw the shirt. And then I wondered why a Falcons shirt would be blue.

True, but that other work was the starting point for all of it. The thing he worked on but never finished his whole life. The Hobbit, in many ways, and much like the original Bombadil stories, were kind of a diversion from this obsession. And reading the first half of The Fellowship of the Ring you can see his

Gandalf is a Maiar, basically a lesser god. He would have participated in the Music of the Ainur, which created the world. As such he was not subject to the same rules of life and death as a human. His fall is analogous to death and resurrection, but not literally, I don't think. (Saruman and Sauron were also Maiar,

"The Saint of Killers shouldn't look like he came out of the Universal Studios tour."
I hear you on your other issues, though the changes don't really bother me much because I don't think the comic was all that great to begin with, honestly. But to me the Saint of Killers looks pretty much exactly like Steve Dillon's

Rudy was the best part of the last few seasons of Misfits for me, but no. Nothing tops (especially season one) Nathan, and then Simon comes closest.