
And what the Village People did wasn't in its own way drag?

Fs? Alasdair's been giving it a lot of solid grades.

Meatball and Melissa would do fairly well on the show.

Yeah, I was disappointed when Kardashian: The Musical turned out to just be a lip-sync extravaganza, because Alexis could've nailed that one. (That said, they went with a Kristen Chenoweth-type voice for Kris, which wouldn't have worked at all with Alexis' brassy alto.)

If there's one thing we learned over this season, it's that Alexis didn't know how to accessorize at the time of filming.

Peppermint's already a New York nightlife legend (many, many NYC queens will attest to that) and this has just made her star shine even brighter.

It's interesting how Oliver didn't express concern over Bob and Derrick lip-syncing to a Sylvester song last season.

This. Heavens knows what he'd think if he ever watched Dragula; Melissa Befierce's nun look in the finale would make him furious.

Wait, did she really say that?

The only time Ru has been completely confirmed as having a medical problem during filming was in season 3, when they had to stop filming for a few weeks while Ru had surgery. (This is why several contestants suddenly grew facial hair partway through the season.)

But "you stone it well" doesn't quite have the same ring to it as "you hem it well".

Sava's just cranky at this point, especially since the show refuses to bend to his own personal belief that it's a huge social force and not a variety show at heart.

We would've had a Trinity vs Peppermint LSFYL in episode four but for the fact that the show clearly didn't want to lose either queen that early.

True, but this one was particularly groan-worthy.

"to play devil's avocado…"

Also, Raven held a full-on memorial service for Morgan at Micky's to which Morgan herself showed up, wearing a black dress and veil and carrying a rose. It was glorious.

You need to watch it for Melissa Befierce's nun look alone.

Vander's said that she isn't interested in going on Drag Race, which is a shame, but I can see why. My hope is that Melissa Befierce will make it on S10 or 11 (she'd be a great fit for the show, especially given the versatility she displayed on Dragula's final runway — THAT NUN LOOK, HOLY SHIT — and her competitive

I did, and I loved it. The reunion episode was everything we've missed about Drag Race reunion episodes: queens not afraid to speak their minds and be direct.