
Acrobatics don't make for a good lipsync by default. Remember Sonique's lip-sync to "Two of Hearts"? Kenya's lip-sync to "Natural Woman"? Cynthia's lip-sync to "Music"?

Jaymes has said in interviews that she would've done Rebel Wilson (and videos show she does a very good Rebel).

Let me ask you this: what counts as a 'mediocre' lip-sync to you?

I need to say this: Anyone complaining about Nina jiggling her breasts in a lip-sync and winning needs to watch Detox's numerous lip-syncs and realize that Detox wobbled her lips or showed her ass every damn time and almost always won.

You should play it!

I loved Thimbleweed Park, but I am of two minds about its ending. It was very human, and the game had done enough work up to that point to establish its playable characters as individuals with real goals and emotions, but everything beyond Delores' storyline does take a backseat… and it's kind of a problem.

That's good to hear.

I need to play this.

Congrats on the sex! Anxiety is common during sex.

She auditioned for season two onwards.

Alaska and Mrs. Kasha Davis auditioned every year till they got on.

I’m on the board of The Society Of Editors, and Ashley Nicole Brown’s ”Let’s hear it for the goddamn copy editors!” had me fist-pumping the air. Silently, of course.

I'm trying to make it the new Dragometry.

Again, you haven't yet explained why Sasha's Marlene was a "low-rent version" or "total knock off" of Alaska's Mae West.

If she wasn't getting enough attention from RuPaul, she could've even abruptly left the stage and it would've still been in character.

Alexis could pull off a lip-sync to Rachel Bloom's "Who Wants To Watch The Tony Awards This Year?" if she was more self-aware: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

She went from "grande dame mom" to "stealth villain" and I am here for it.

The development of Untucked 2.0 has been really fascinating to see over the past three seasons. When Katya, Ginger and Pearl went outside to take smoke breaks during Season 7, it felt like a spontaneous cutaway, and now we have an actual set outside.

Explain to us how Sasha's Marlene Dietrich is a "low-rent version" of Alaska's Mae West, please.

This has been confirmed by DVD and online extras.