
Agreed. And hey, it wasn't as terrible as I thought it'd be.

KillScottKill played both the Japanese release and the NA release and maxed all his confidant links in each playthrough before tackling the seventh palace boss. It's all about time management.

The seventh palace is, well, trying.

The producers must really want Peppermint to go far if they sent a professional celebrity impersonator home before Snatch Game. They kept Britney Barry from lip-syncing two weeks in a row just so she could make it to Snatch Game.

I looked online and on second glance, it hasn't been confirmed. Moffat has denied that there's a contractual obligation to include the Daleks every season but they've had major or minor appearances in every NuWho series (even the 2009 specials and S6), suggesting that there may not be a contractual obligation but


Doctor Who is contractually obliged by Terry Nation's estate to feature the Daleks in some capacity every season, so there can't and won't be any 'classic-monster-free' seasons.

Fair enough. Maybe it's next episode. I dunno.

Next week is a live musical and Alexis looks to have a very prominent role, so it'll be a real sink-or-swim moment for her.

Untucked is as fractious as you'd imagine it to be, thankfully leavened with some lightheartedness. (Also, everyone assumes that the lip sync will be Trinity vs. Peppermint, so expect someone to immediately tell Peppermint she should've lipsynced when they return to the workroom.)

Trinity vs. Eureka is just as good as you'd think it'd be.

Untucked is even more mandatory than last week.
I mean, last week gave us Aja's "Linda Evangelista" rant (which now has become an amazing meme song) and Shea's "Why y'all acting brand new? Who's after Peppermint?!"

Yup. That audio recording was most likely from episode 2 or 3, though, as that's when the interview was conducted; it's entirely possible that they're being edited out.

Who's to say she didn't?

It was six hundred whole dollars.

Slow clap to @burnwitchburn:disqus for Sensuous Death Flop.

1. Agreed that Charlie had a great runway look — one of the best on the mainstage.

Yaaaaaas. I love it.

That's a kiss of death, though. Tell me the name of one queen who's taken off their shoes and won a lipsync in the past few seasons.

Yes. It's lessened as the season has progressed, and a lot of people online (including professional writers) are hoping she's in the top three, but she still gets criticized for her looks on social media.