
Iconic. That needs to be taught in Drag 101.

You're one of my favourite Drag Race commenters. I hope you continue to stay around.

Agreed — the dress was so lovely. Her makeup was far better, too.
Raven and Delta have reportedly taken over makeup and wig duties from Mathu Anderson for much of the season, and they did a knockout job tonight.

Some thoughts just after seeing the episode:

I like Broken Age, but it would be far, far better without the frequently awful voice acting. There have been too many times when I'll look at a line and hear the actor reading it and think, "Why did you emphasize that part?"

It's not the easiest game but it's a thrilling one. That said, I had to give up on my playthrough as well because I just couldn't stand the constant failure.

This is true. Your entire head can be visible and the shadow will still be oblivious.

Polly and Ben were created to appeal to young viewers in the '60s, too.

Yeah, those people need to rewatch every Master serial and episode ever made.

Agree completely on all of this.


THIS. All of this.

Willam seems generally good-natured and dials down on the bitchiness out of drag, but it's still there. I do think that sometimes her bitchiness moves from bitchy-funny to just bitchy.

-Nina or Aja said in one of their Instagram livestreams that the girls didn't know they would be filmed in HD. (Everyone should follow Nina on Instagram for her live broadcasts alone; she's a hilarious, thoughtful, and generous personality who actively communicates with fans during broadcasts.)

Phi Phi-Sharon fight.

I'm more inclined to believe that the producers knew Robbie could easily win Snatch Game as Liza and they wanted to have Bob win instead to continue the "Thorgy is jealous of Bob" storyline.

If that's true, the producers didn't care that Beyonce might sue over Kenya's bizarre interpretation of her — or they decided to let her do it knowing it would be a complete (but 'entertaining') trainwreck.

When her White Party look came down the runway, I actively cringed.

Does anything in particular feel different for you?

Whether it would have gone through final edits before the move is a genuinely interesting question.