
We watched Saving Silverman (terrible movie that I happened to love as a tween) while my grandma was visiting and she was so offended that she threatened to leave town and was assured that the movie turned my cousin and brother gay.

The Gang Fucks Up

like the they might be giants album?

another canadian, initially catching in teletoon reruns, eventually borrowing a friend's dvd and now it's on a hard drive i keep attached to the tv for those days i REALLY need to marathon the whole thing in one go (which is at least twice a year)

I need to get this edition, playing with an old Oxford Canadian is painful, especially in games of Super Scrabble which last much much longer

Grimsby… eight legs….

glad SOMEONE in these comments is reading The Rift

when are we gonna hear flame prince talk with the suspiciously teenaged tones of an adult dante basco???

ok but who the fuck remembers charlie hunnam's character and not charlie day's? literally no one, sam. literally no one

honestly the only way to read them is at the same time with the Ball of Beasts chapter order because it mercifully spreads out the Daenerys chapters

man that book was good when i was like 15 but it is just not good. i really hope the movie at least has the good sense to not include the internal monologue of that book

So why aren't you guys regularly covering Clarence yet

I literally walked through where they filmed the opening scene today, it's definitely Union Station in Toronto

I attended the NXNE Festival in Toronto!!

The silliness is half the fun! Also having to have one hand on the broomstick / have it between your legs is surprisingly difficult to maneuver. ALSO the Harry Potter connection is important because what the fuck else is going to bring a disparate group of slightly-athletic nerds together than a shared interest? The

Sour grapes was the wrong phrase, but I honestly never got the appeal of making fun of people who literally aren't harming anyone but I suppose not being an asshole is a tall order for you.

I mean it figures AV Club is all sour grapes about people having fun while knowingly looking ridiculous. I know you LOVE to imagine you're the only people in the world with an ounce of self-awareness but the fact of it is that they just don't care and it's a really refreshing, fun and positive environment for people

Quidditch is so fun to play so I'm honestly all here for this

Her Piper and Alex are incredible

i wish someone other than james fucking franco was making this thing because the last thing i need added to an already-snarky book is a fresh layer of smarm