
good article juan and not just because i love you personally. i have had to physically leave the room for miranda scenes as stephanie watched for the pod (which blessedly she’s just doing one episode for the whole reboot i think an episode per episode would kill her and me) in a way that i really havent felt with even

hey what the fuck is the headline doing here calling this “school bullying”

at this point i’m just hoping for something really bad because that’s more fun than expensive and fucking boring

rest in piss to this racist old clown hopefully lizzie follows shortly

i guess shout out to the one grifter who wouldnt take his money

Was coming here to say the first thing. It’s spelled out for ya in the episode! Though I super didn’t catch that it wasn’t Dark Army storming the house, which makes sense, so I can’t exactly say I’m smart either here

Did they ever say where he, like, is this season? It seems weird to backbench him but I guess Janice is the more effective plant

While watching I was definitely tricked by the fanservicey nature of the finale into completely forgetting about all the s5 plot threads that had to be unceremoniously dropped to make this finale work. Why introduce so much of that at all? I agree with the commenters in What’s On Tonight that Justin would’ve made a

City Girls Make Do is another very good SATC podcast

I was hoping something along the lines of “witches don’t draw their power from Satan at all but he tricked them to think he did” but I think enough throughout the season works against that. Oh well.

fuck him forever and ever

I’m determined to host Jeopardy in my older years just to be the second person born in Sudbury, Ontario to hold the job

If you’re gonna be talking Bogleech projects, other than Awful Hospital, one of my favourite things he’s done is review literally every single Pokemon. It only took him like a year, too.

For some reason account connecting wasn’t working in Chrome so I had to do it in MICROSOFT EDGE, then it turns out the reason it wasn’t working was because I was already logged into Disqus?? Which is bizarre but it seems to be all good now if my little Pokemon avatar is popping up.

Now just allow me to sort comments

I have no idea if this worked! It just closed the new tab after hitting the claim button and had none of the other instructions. But I guess I’m posting now? So it worked???

Wait no it made me log into Kinja. Augh! Is this because I have a legacy account?? I think I do, anyway

Why is this argument so popular with show watchers? A show can have fantastical elements and still have internal logic and consistency, which this show does not

honestly myles it feels like im existing on a different planet than you and everyone else here and clearly we all got into this series for different reasons if this was a satisfying hour of tv. things happen, because the script. every advance forward is due to the show forgetting something either from its source

No one makes any decisions approaching sensible, none of the leads can emote and the chronology of the show suggests all the actions takes place in, at most, a large city and you can point all this out and still give this a B+?

More or less, yeah

There is literally no way Shauna isn't one of those Tumblr users that glorify / obsess over / put flower crowns on and do cutesy photo edits of serial killers.