
will never preorder another game after destiny

no one care for the PC we always get trited like the basted child shitty ports and shit like that

this story was just shit and if they make any fucking story DLC will be parts of the story they cut off just take the woman who you met you dont know who she was where she came from what she is or who send her and that ok cuse they will putit in DLC or in another game fuck no this game is like the little story you

we dont want this crap anymore the is a pretty hollow shell

wtf i just finish the story wtf that was so point less you dont understand any fucking thing wtf this is bullshit wtf dont know who the woman was dont know why i had to go to the garden done know shit about the aliens wtf seriously WTF

you guys really know how to do click bait

i so regret getting this game the combatis fun but thats it the story the rpg every thing but the combat sucks balls

i cant take this shit anymore i spending almost an hour in a mission and keep getting some stupid connection error before i finish it and tthere is no fucking saving you have to start the fucking mission from the start again and do the same shit and hope it dont cut off again and most likly it will cut off again FUck

what if fallout NV was all in purgatory and you really die from being shot in the head at the start

where is the story and is it just the crappy storp like in MMos that have no cutscense where the people just stand around and talk the lack of story is what is keeping me from buying this from what i have seen so far this game is the illusion of freedom cause ur ship is just a fast travle tool and hoard mode wtf

crap i should of played it i want to hear anything about the story all it seems to be is hord mode

i havnt seen anything about the story yet is it so lacking tell me about the story a story make or break a game for me i want to know if to get this

so no destiny for PC gamers and thats no big deal up to now i havnt seen any major site talk about destiny coming to pc i wonder if it have anything to do with all those destiny ads plaster all over sites

a prettier borderlands with the story of SWTOR Pass

7 years and only 1 good game TLOU

the give into exclusive problem

i just gave in and got a PS3 i know im part of the problem but i got TLOU out of it and that game was good

OMFG im so starved for a good new game there is only so much dota someone can play

i should of saw this gif before searching

98% of the shit this bitch saying is cherry picked look at the watch dogs part women in the game will face demostic violence cause more women face it in real life what she want a woman to beat for being a drug dealer cant believe kotaku promoting this retard