
PSS i tired of this series seeing that they reach multiplayer gimic they are out of ideas there is a point when things just need to end

sometime i does want to play this but its takes for ever for the game to load in and i have a monster system and good connection ontop of that the matches is way to short fix the long loading screen i want to play but still in lobbies and loading screens is killing it

to bad the it take forever to get into a game so ur time will be wasted

im getting sick of the hype train it fuck up the game setting people expectations so high

plz he "white why could they make him a bark shined indian so sick of the generic white pretty boy alpher man

bad the world is boring

i talking about every mission recreate every cut scenes make las vegas and san fran

that crap compare to what im doing

i want to start reading the books but the idea waiting years for this story is insane i hate this waiting thing

i remaking the whole game every cut scene everything so what it i put it on kickstarter

im serious buy i want to make money off it either sell it or put it on kickstarter will they get mad and try to shut me down

i am going to remake the whole GTA SA in GTA 5 i want to know if rockstar will come after me for that ????

just ignore this stupid lying bitch people giving shit to much attention

when i say anita sarkeesian in the thumbnail this was my reaction

Ubisoft is the Next EA

no this will be a waste to make him shitty aquaman ?? why do i care i already sick of superhero movies

this is why they didnt do shit for dark souls 2

lot of white faces only white male faces

i despise playing games on consoles and i want the end of them so sick of this crap called exclusives