
Hey, baby. You look like you're in space. How about we dock my cargo ship to your hab module?

@wolfshades: Around here, UPS, FedEx, and the post office just leave packages on the porch.

The modern white trash vehicle is a diesel heavy-duty pickup which is never used to pull a trailer or haul any significant load (other than its owner).

@judacris: You don't even need a big laser. The Apollo missions left helpful reflectors for us to bounce little lasers off of.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think this illustrates the importance of an oft-neglected piece of equipment: the tripod.

@Ultraorange: A shot of the two ships would be cool. They're similar in size; the carrier is just over 100 feet longer.

@4th_Dimension: I don't think they're ugly, but I am disappointed at how pickups seem to get bigger and bigger with each model year.

@wheresmykey: Like a bird's bones, a plane is mostly hollow. In fact, the engines are the only really solid objects on an airliner.

@Ravennl: Not really. You would need a card flashed for EFI to see anything during the boot-up process, but it comes with such a card and has more than one slot. Once Windows begins to load, it will use any card just as a Windows PC would.

Peak Chocolate? I'll believe it when it happens.

@Ravennl: If you run Windows on that Mac Pro, sure it'll work. You'll also need the right power cables.

@johnnyro: It's not quite as bad. Most of that list was really stupid stuff, and unrealistic for normal people.

@BiggieShorty: Sir, I am calling you a liar. You may have had a

@GrumpierGrunt: Down at the bottom, there's the front part of a B-36 fuselage (just the part ahead of the wings, looks like), and the the left of that, is a long, thin fuselage piece that I daresay could be a wingless and tailless B-29.

@bennyaltuca: Probably detection and/or long-term measurement of any radiation released into the atmosphere.

Come on girdle, hold...

@Freddie Freelance: Or you can put a little rocket in the nose of the seaplane, so it supercavitates in water like that Russian torpedo.

I want a job setting things on fire.

@grimjack28: To get a cleat getaway, you need to kick your assailant in the groin first. Then run away laughing. I mean screaming.

Braided brake lines? Gut the interior? Carbon fiber shit? Give me a break.