Good luck with that.
Good luck with that.
@Brian: Cogito Ergo ZOOM!: STOSL, if you're really desperate for an acronym.
@isights: More or less irresponsible than these sites sending user data in clear text?
@FermentedDischarge: One does have to wonder what the hell is wrong with the person who called this in.
@Sprzout: Windows ME was the last gasp of DOS, a turd for the common man at a time when businesses and power users were all switching to the far superior Windows 2000, aka NT5.0
I was expecting the camera to shake it loose. VR! VR!
Glenn Beck is a fraud. A charlatan. A shock jock who figured out the best way to make money.
@theoneshot001: I haven't any first-hand experience, save for seeing them at air shows, but I have heard that saying used to describe the Chinook.
@OM617.951: The heroic thing is getting a Chinook in the air in the first place.
Is it a cellular peptide cake?
@flacster: If it is not soldered to the board, then it is user-replaceable on some level... but if it is proprietary Apple tech, then where are you going to buy a bigger one?
@cmdrfire: His (or her) entire world has been destroyed, his owners (if he had any) have fled or died, and unlike a human, no one can tell him how or why.
I hope the kitty is OK.
@b.picolo: Heck, I'd settle for a Corsair kit.
@Kevin: " want the SUV look without all the weight, the truck, like ride, fuel consumption, and all while not being the smallest vehicle on the road"
I owned an SUV. A real one, with a frame and solid axles. It had neither "obscene power" nor "balls to the wall fun." Unless you count that time I took an off-ramp too fast and almost rolled it as fun.
@DNiedAcess: Why stop at your beer gut?
@ChuckyShamrok: Or the tires, maybe.
Hey, I like it. The design is a little... busy, but a little FWD unibody pickup could be just what the doctor ordered.