
I loved the post, too.

Turbofan, not turbojet. There's no point in putting a turbojet on something that is supposed to be efficient.

It should be in danger, those concept phones are stupid looking. They're just so boring, it's sad.

@cxo: No, they weren't, sadly, but they sure were pretty.

@bobman1235: I think most single-car accidents these days come down to either drunks or cell phones. People drift out of their lane, overcorrect, and BLAMMO

If you don't want to die horribly, a roll bar would be a good addition.

@Vulcan Has No Moon: I'm not sure a normal tow truck would be able to drag a Ferrari without scraping something, anyway.

Instead of getting the quirky-but-fun tall wagon, of course we get the dumpy mini-minivan.

@weatherman: Yeah. It's a lifted extended-cab Toyota pickup. The similarity ends there.

I know stunt directors and drivers take safety seriously... so hopefully no one was hurt.

Oh, and my '92 Explorer (bought in 2001) didn't live long enough to be clunkered. It turned into rust and died years ago.

My dad really wanted to trade in his '88 Ranger- which is now more rust than truck- but he couldn't. Turned out a 4cyl. Ranger was too efficient.

Those 5MPH crash bumpers actually meant what they said, unlike the lying 5MPH bumpers we have today.

@FromaBuick6: I saw that commercial. Almost threw something at the TV.

This is definitely a Road Warrior vehicle.

@Buickboy92: They could probably take this design and base a pretty high-performance, high-efficiency turboprop on it.

@55Hardtop: And you can still find DC-3s, on which the C-47 was based, in commercial service. Now that's reliable.

My driver's ed car was a really beaten-down early-90s Escort. It did all right. I took my final test in a blizzard and managed not to kill anyone, at least!