

"The Savages" (the brilliant Tamara Jenkins film) and "Savages" (the repugnant Oliver Stone film).

I guess he signed sort of a development deal with Comedy Central a while ago (which is why he's on Broad City), so I'm hoping he's just burning off this requirement so he can do something not-shitty elsewhere.

Probably the same way you convince grown adult men to watch shows on The CW.

Your mileage may vary, I guess. I thought it was awful.

This is a really good not-shitty article!

See the movie that's been traumatizing my friend whose brother hung himself…for free!

It looks a little insufferable to me, which is something I wouldn't have expected to say about a Fassbender vehicle. Maybe it's just too much Sorkin connecting with a kindred douchebag spirit in Jobs.

Enslaved by the Cell

9/11 didn't even hit me this hard.

Bryan Fuller is a goddamn brilliant man but can't catch a goddamn break.

I want your easy breezy life.

I don't know that they could have explained it any better.

Frankly, I'm aghast that a show centered around the NFL would have such thinly drawn female characters.

And yet he was the funniest thing about the premiere.

You poor thing!

The AV Club can't even throw a spiral so—

You and I have very different definitions of charisma then.

If occult elements are the deciding factor between your show being good or not, then your show's maybe not so good.

And their lives have been in shambles ever since you walked by, I'm sure.