
It's a teaser trailer.

No, that's the point.

I remember when people used to watch TV and not "have" to talk about it with everyone the day after. Like, we all used to watch something and then just move on with our day.

Don't tell me: The Georgians then went to sleep. Ugh, I knew it!

That could stay.

So you're saying it'd be a welcomed mercy killing. Probably!

I always love the meta-humor on this show, but it seems like a huge missed opportunity not to have the season's "Save Greendale!" struggle to be some administrator's decision for Greendale to shut down unless it turns into an online-only college.

I'm surprised they didn't give her extensions just to have an emotional scene where she chops them off in front of a mirror.


Do all of the adult you know break the law? Get new (better) friends.

While I didn't love this season as much as the first, I thought pleading not guilty was a pretty ingenious way to basically reuse the same case and infuse some new storylines.

Totally agree, except that I quite liked the first two episodes. This felt like it was building to something that never delivered. And I can't remember being more turned off by a season finale. It felt more like a mid-season finale and I was left thinking, "Oh, so that's all we get until next year?"

It was the perfect Redbox rental.


DVD? lol gtfo

Maybe it's a commentary on pollution. There's clearly less oxygen in this fictional world with all these mid-sentence gasps.

I'll say Resident Evil 4. Not having played the previous games in the series, I wasn't offended by the re-vamped controls, and that was one of the most wonderful game experiences I had had up to that point.

Which made it even better. I'm a busy man with many important things to do.

To me, this was just a perfect half hour of comedy television. I could probably rewatch this a hundred times and never get tired of it.