
Better Pic


MR2 - might as well have a twin turbo AW20 within you budget.

Humans make mistakes. 

Now I want to go stop-light hunting for half charged, cold Telsas in my six-banger Korean Coupe. Low low 14s is something I can do all day....

I am five foot sixteen and I fit. Fit in my MR2 as well. The only car that I have ever had trouble with was the old Ford Pantherbodies because the footwell was both too small and awkwardly angled for long legs/big feet in the seating angle. I had to manspread like a weezing Wisconsin cheese vendor at the fondue and

I am curious about the Stinger owner’s previous history. It almost sound like they should/could be leasing. I hate that though but then again, it sounds like the stinger financed ALL of the car and then starts looking around. As a Hyundai Genesis owner, I know the Korean depreciation hit however, that only hits if you

Boomer? LOL. Still paying off my student loans. Anyway...you missed the point. I am looking at the vehicle for being well kept... not a “good car” but rather “pride in ownership”. There is a BIG difference when people start driving vehicles they do not own and how they keep it. Then again, if you roll up in a Model X

This is fake.

Doomguy.... because why not? What could go wrong on Mars?

Hard Pass: CP a mile away.

introducing the 2021 Nissan 340ZX (X is for crossover). Only available with a 2.5 engine and a CVT

Buy the van. Transit or NV200. Maybe a Chevy Bolt or Nissan Leaf. Pick-Ups are over priced right now and do not make it cost effective.

So basically just another palette swap - eyebrows mostly.

Millennials saving a boomer-bloated, high cost luxury item? $45K+ for a compact truck? $40K for a Rav4 (dealer optioned up).

It is a meaningless term that is designed to convince boomers on oxygen tanks that they are still with “it”.

Come on folks, Buick Regal - there has to be a “recently inherited but unwanted” option somewhere for $5K

Driving barefoot is not illegal... BUT

Wow, this is interesting... a tech company that is ACTUALLY a manufacturing company as well.

or leave all of the “fat” & practicality behind and buy a ZZW30 MR2 like I did. Granted, that was a few years before the CRZ but I looked at trading it and it was a big “nope”.  MR2 was quicker and would realistically get better mileage too.