
well they are removing headgear from amatuer boxing because it is unsafe. all it does is prevent cutting and makes boxers think they are invincible.

I’d be in favor of soft helmets for football, like they had a century ago.   There is no reason for hard-helmets other than ‘it looks cool’—the human body is not as dense as a brick.

Because headgear does not help and may actually make things worse.

While there’s probably no way to make boxing or football safe, banning gloves from boxing and helmets from football would be a start. Both function more or less the same way-they lessen the danger of certain injuries (broken hands and skull fractures,

I agree. The lack of a minimum wage or workplace safety standards exploits the impoverished, but to legislate those feels paternalistic. The impoverished are just poor, not ignorant, and are perfectly capable of making informed choices. I’m not sure it’s up to “us” to mandate a wage floor or safe working conditions to

Actually, we know the questions and the answers. We’ve known them for decades. Boxing has always been a sport built on allowing the impoverished an avenue to what they perceive to be wealth and notoriety if only they will beat each other to a pulp for the entertainment of the privileged. Knowing what we know about the

Can you make a sport where you win if you give your opponent a serious brain injury acceptably safe?

Floyd never saves anything for the hike back.

Why not, nobody is playing football there. *

On one hand, I kinda get that people over there actually in China didn’t want to speak out on the issue in fear of a response from the government. On the other, maybe don’t do business with a government that would consider killing you over a random ass tweet by someone on the other side of the world that you are only

“Did you know that when visiting foreign countries, Viktor Krum opts to shit on the floor as a display of dominance? And he doesn’t magic it away!

Not if you buy into JK Rowlings “revisions”.

I didn’t hear any bad language used towards their or our players.

+1 current events mash-up

China, is that you?

Ok LeBron, we get it.

I’m surprised at this anti-Bulgaria post.

I’m starting to think Victor Krum was probably a racist.

I mean, LA clearly cares about NFL football. Just not necessarily about Chargers football (or the Rams necessarily either, judging from all the red at yesterdays game). But the owners don’t care who the people sitting in the stands cheer for. They paid for tickets, parking, probably a lot of beer and stuff, and their

“pay to build us a new stadium or we’re moving to LA.”

I never understood the logic:  Take a city that hasn’t cared about NFL football for about 20 years.  Put a team there, wait a year, then put another team there.  Why?  Maybe if the Chargers were there alone their fans would follow and make some new ones, but once the Rams were there, the Chargers were not getting any