
There is a man. His name is Andrew Lack. He singlehandedly threw truckloads of money at Megyn Kelly. He is the perfect example of executives failing upward after making continual terrible decisions. He continues to be supported by the brass at NBC and has been promoted to his current role despite having no credible

I guess this explains why ABC pulled the episode of Black-ish that dealt with kneeling during the anthem when ABC previously had no issue with an episode of Black-ish that talked about police shootings. There was no billion dollar business partner who might get upset over the police shooting episode so no risk for

Hyperventilating. Take your star you monster.

Their goals are the same. It’s why Michael Flynn was so beloved in Russia, because he wrote op-eds saying Russia, northern European countries, and America should team up to fight Muslims. The MAGA-Russian connection is basically the idea of white people vs brown people and Russia loves the idea because they have few

The picture for this post should be the one of Tom Brady watching from a foreign country on an OLPC.

There was a moment in revenge of the sith where palpatine primes anakin by telling him how he “fears” that the jedi will come for him to seize control of the senate. He says it’s because he knows they are power hungry and don’t like sharing influence, but he’s really prefacing their discovery that he was a sith lord.

All lady league of extraordinary gentlemen. The goal should be to make it just as awful as the Connery one but with woman just to see how far this premise can go.

That’s what I meant by Carolina area. Jordan is royalty to that fan base, which has a ton of crossover with the Panther’s fanbase.

Not only is he worth $800 Million, he made over $100 Million last year. His earning power plus his net worth makes him a perfect investment candidate for a bank and the fact that he’s still earning over $100 Million a year means that he clearly knows what pop culture wants, which means he’d be a great franchise owner.

After the presentation of evidence at today’s proceedings, they upgraded the charges to first degree murder. Prosecutors don’t usually upgrade charges unless they’re very confident. Usually they aim higher and downgrade charges as part of a deal. That they started at second degree and upgraded to first degree after

Exactly. It happened long before Muller was ever appointed, and he removed the person when he became aware of the issue and reviewed all the work the agent did on the investigation. Luckily the FBI doesn’t allow agents to conduct one-on-one interviews or take part in investigative activities on their own, so if an

I just figured he was black intellectualism’s version of a hipster. I mean, look how he dresses and his hair/beard, he’s a total hipster. So of course he has to say that every new popular writer in the field isn’t actually good, and how only obscure writers nobody ever heard of are good, because it allows him to

Their world HQ is right down the street from me. A lot of local people have great jobs there. Awesome company.

There were rumors about her trying to get away from him in public places, like an airport or during an interview where he was talking alone with an interviewer (maybe a radio DJ, can’t remember) and she just like took off and was hiding out in some person’s office in the building, and people were like, “oh, that’s

This book is her job application for the networks. She saw Chris Cillizza shit talk the clintons and dnc and get a permanent paying gig and she wants her old life back. Seriously, who is her target audience for this book? It’s for the media types. It’s not for Bernie voters who already hate Brazile over debate-gate.

“Sex Rehab” should be in quotes because it’s not a real thing, it’s a bullshit way for Weinstein to attempt a comeback in 3-6 months.

+1 glimpse beyond the mountains of madness.

Wow, no grey, no warning. Surprising.

And why has JK Rowling gotten a pass on having a race of goblin bankers whose descriptors are basically just a list of negative anti-semitic stereotypes?