Future Pixels

Oh, trust me, I remember. That was my time. I just look back at some of the advertising sometime and the dayglo colors and “edginess” makes me laugh. Every time.

So, you’re the heartless jerk out there who doesn’t like Kirby.

Nintendo of America tried so hard to make gritty Kirby ads they even gave the dude nasty fingernails... lol.

I really wish they’d publish Trails of Cold Steel on PC, though this may present me with a good time to buy a PS TV.

Doom, Fire Emblem Fates, and ... Ratchet & Clank, which was a big surprise.

Ah. That old familiar “I just bought a 980 Ti two months ago at full price damnit” feeling.

Very shiny turd incoming

M’mmm, this is more fun I think.

I have to say I don’t understand this argument either. I have more games for my GameCube and Wii U than I do my PS4. That said, I do have a PC, so...

It had a faster graphics processing than either console, but where it failed was memory allocation. So it could technically render better images, but the framerate would begin to stutter at some points.

Same. I loved the controller, without bias.

If you’re comparing lifetime sales of the GameCube to sales so far of the Wii U, that’s unfair for a number of reasons. The first is that— you’re looking at lifetime sales. The GC has been out since like... what? 2001? That’s fifteen years. The Wii U has been out for like four. More like three and some change, really.

I agree. Fuck, I love my GameCube.

The tl;dr of my response to this is that I mostly agree. I don’t think they necessarily need to make a graphics powerhouse to succeed, but if what they intend to do is compete with the revised PS4 and Xbox Ones (which I believe they’ve flatly stated, which is the first time they’ve done so in the last couple decades)

That’s always been the Achille’s Heel for Nintendo, at least since the SNES days. I should clarify, I’m not saying I don’t know what the other reasons are, I’m just saying that graphics are not the only factor in console sales.

I always enjoy hearing a really thorough explanation of how Nintendo has rehashed their games as compared to other developers. Assassin’s Creed has more franchise iterations than Zelda and the gameplay has not shifted in any major way. I don’t think Nintendo needs to come up with new IP every next year, they just need

I loved that it looked like that, though! I think I was one of those only ones, however. I liked the little handle on the back too. But I actually did take it to my friends’ house once a week.

Tough to say, the Wii U still has until the end of this fiscal year and probably something like a year after the NX to make its final mark. The lifetime sales of the GameCube are greater than the Wii U, naturally, but sales have been slightly faster paced with the Wii U than the GC thus far, only dropping off in the

The effect is the cause, in the case of the Virtual Boy’s failure.

Thing is, Jim Sterling is critical of Nintendo because he loves Nintendo. Which is good, I firmly believe you should question the things you love more than the things you don’t... but it seems markedly different than the witch hunt that’s been stirring on the internet in ebbs and flows since I can remember.