The obvious answer to keep this perfectly within the “dads who grew up playing video games, and are now getting schooled by their kids” age bracket and off the radar of the yutes is Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A B A.
The obvious answer to keep this perfectly within the “dads who grew up playing video games, and are now getting schooled by their kids” age bracket and off the radar of the yutes is Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A B A.
Serious question - what is the offside rule regarding players coming in from off the pitch? A player can’t be offsides if they start their run on their side of the pitch, can be from the opponents half... but deadcenter midfield, coming from the sideline? I have no idea.
While the Skins are now a deplorable franchise run by a total goblin, I am a third generation fan and stuck wth them. I signed up for season tix at a Redskins store in 2000, weeks after I turned 18; I figured I would be 40-50 before they called. The Tix office called in 2009, saying the recession had caused thousands…
Serious question- to what song/artist is that video set? That tune is bitchin.
My boss disagrees.
“The system is working. There will always be outliers.”
The system is working. There will always be out-flyers.