
Haters gonna hate. I’m loving the new starter designs, and I think it’s awesome that we’re finally getting a more “feminine” Pokemon starter design, since as a water starter they’ve always end up as burly masculine Pokemon.

If you don’t like the design of Brionne then don’t choose Poppilo as your starter. It’s that simple. There’s no need to bitch about it and show everyone how bigoted you are because nobody is forcing to choose it as your starter. There are two other Pokemon to choose, do what everyone else does and just pick one of

I’m like “You guys do realize you are playing a video game primarly marketed at children, right?” I’m loling so hard at these folks who seem aghast by a Pokemon that doesn’t seem manly enough.

bah male or female its just adorable.

Pokenerds upset about something that isn’t manly enough. lol forever.

With the Pokemon: Origins mini series and the Pokemon Generations mini episodes on Youtube why can’t they come out with a serious pokemon anime not centered around Ash? maybe have a Detective/Cop series revolving around pokemon involved crimes/mysteries. I’d punch baby pichus to have that

The average Blizzard player probably does, actually.

I think he means make it so people with that box checked see everybody else’s helmets as on, but others don’t.

I had no idea this was controversial, but I enjoyed playing a stormie with no bucket.

I think it was more people complaining about others not having their helmets on.

...Why not just have a “Helmets Always On” checkbox in the options menu?

He means the actual launcher for Blizzard games, which has to have a name of course. Battle.net is always gonna sound better than “Blizzard Launcher” or whatever they’re gonna call it so rip


Nothing’s changing, they’re just dropping the name. So....what’s the client called now? Are we just supposed to call it “Blizzard Tech Video Game Client and E-Shop”?

Seems counter-intuitive to rebrand everything as super generic “Blizzard X” services.

Now playing

Well, it shouldn’t suprised us. Their feelings was revealed on Highlight Reel:

I’m so bummed I can’t play as a different species in the game. Unless being human is a significant plot point, I don’t see why I can’t be a Turian or Asari :(.

EA/Bioware gushed about making Ryder female for reveal at E3. Immediately make the character male again for actual gameplay.

I’m not sure if the Mario universe even has a proper canon...

I play overwatch daily and had no idea about this character. It’s very much a Forum driven entity. So “ A Huge” number is likely really denigrated to the few thousand that uniquely post on reddit and/or the Blizzard forums. If **Every** overwatch play was mildly interested then I am sure the secret would have been

They had something good for a while, but now it’s gone too far. I suspect Blizzard will have a more refined approach next time they do something like this.

fail fail fail...