Did they changes the fonts around here or is it me?
Did they changes the fonts around here or is it me?
I had a hallucination the other day that we were getting Van Helsing reviews…
Watched Guardians of the Galaxy on cable last night and Nate sorta reminds me of Peter sometimes.
So what are everyone's theories about what's in the box Darhk wanted?
Something Stewart and Craig Ferguson have in common.
I think Maher may have stolen the line that got him fired from Bill Hicks.
My mom mistook Wyatt Cenac for Donald Glover.
It's weird that the 4th episode is already available On Demand.
I thought it was interesting that Lucifer and Supergirl both had plots about supporting characters trying to find jobs.
I was digging Douche-ifer.
They should just go ahead and air the original version. Why yes, I am still in denial, thanks for asking.
My X1 box started serving up Netflix a couple of weeks ago.
I didn't recognize him AT ALL in the first two episodes.
So is Beth. I don't think there were any actual Americans on that show.
Does her character remind anyone else of Helena from Orphan Black? Unruly hair? Casually murderous? Zero social skills? Check, check and check.
Maybe because Future Todd mentions a time machine in the first episode when Present Todd sees him in the hotel hallway?
Both shows have the distinction of being pretty much unique, which is nice.
Why would she blame Barry for what happened to Robbie? He wasn't anywhere near STAR Labs when he died.
I don't think we're getting a new ep next week, for some reason.
Am I misremembering or did Cisco say his meta-human alert sounded when the monster first appeared?