
I thought it was awesome that she IMMEDIATELY recognized Aida as an android.

The one person Wells really needed to talk to was Joe. Who better to help him navigate the ins and outs of having a speedster child?

I wish they hadn't fucked up the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen movie so we could get Moore's version onscreen.

The stupid debate meant the last 11 minutes of the episode were cut off. Did they ever make it off that island?

Apparently there's going to be an exhibit of naked Iggy drawings soon.


Billy and the Cloneasaurus was better than Jurassic Park.

DAFUQ did I just watch??

Bummed we're not getting a new ep next week because of the debate. As if I needed another reason to hate this stupid election.

My avatar is back! Yay.

That hat would be great for holding my poisoned Skittles.

They dropped the idiot ball last week by clearing the hotel without a hitch. Sadly this week Madison picked it up and ran it into her own team's end zone.


How the hell are you supposed to review a breakfast place if you refuse to eat eggs??

*Scruffy voice*

My avatar is back, yay!

What would Brian Boitano do?

Great job, Internet?

This thing with my avatar baffles me…

Yes, it gets WAY better. The second season has been pretty damn awesome.