
Jesus saves!

“As a parent, I oppose abortion” is nonsensical, plenty of parents have both given birth and had abortions.

Nancy Reagan. It came out that she had a uhhhh colorful history

You know who else liked to hang out with prostitutes?  Jesus.  Why do you hate Jesus?

But no one is asking Ted Cruz why he’s hanging out with prostitutes? That shit is illegal, and he’s an accessory. In Colorado, it’s illegal to sell sex, and also illegal to buy it, so Cruz was present at 2 sex crimes. Someone really should ask about this.

I like the weird implication that no American is capable of doing a convincing English accent.

What? Why do you need to be younger than 25?

I learned to skate and play hockey at 30. I’m 50 and would like to snowboard.

eh, i usually just tell them that the 7 inch difference in height is made up by 8 inches elsewhere.

I don’t think that’s really the point here, though. This couple gets mocked because he’s “too short” for her, not because she’s “too tall”.

Way harsh, but I have to agree. 

People could also be weird about it because (if that photo is of them) she is quite pretty and he looks like an absolute doofus with a terrible haircut and ugly denim button down shirts. I can only infer from this photo that he also wears ill-fitting khaki pants a la 17 year olds from the early aughts working at Geek

I was surprised enough that Din put all his weapons (particularly the Darksaber) into a luggage box with a check tag like he was passing through JFK. And even more surprised when nothing whatsoever came of that encounter (who out there wasn’t expecting some shenanigans where the box turns up empty?) other than to show

He broke the code at least three times. Once to fix a fatal head injury at the end of season 1, again to complete the mission at the Imperial base in season 2, and probably worst of all for emotional reasons at the end of season 2. He can’t shake off a lifetime of cult programming instantly, he clearly looks up to the

Yeah, all of that was a bit weird. I guess I’d have to watch the last couple of episodes of Mando again, but he’s well aware that Bo and a bunch of Mandalorians still exist and that the death cult he’s following aren’t even close to the majority of Mandolorians when the planet fell. Whatever questioning of his ‘faith’

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he can take it off when he's alone.

I think helmet-removal for eating (and hopefully dental care) is okay, and the question had the implication ‘have you been flashing your naked face around in front of other living beings like a shameless face-hussy?’

Tracey seems perfect then she all of a sudden goes batshit crazy and annihilates Kings Landing?  That never tracked with me either.

That was great and ignore the troll

The reason Barney and Robin's marriage failed was lazy and untrue to their characters. NO relationship could have survived a work schedule that ridiculous, so the fact that they built up this relationship for so many seasons just to tear it down with a boring, catch-all relationship breaking plot device felt