
“57 octaves below middle C” works out to about 1.815 femtohertz, or one complete wave cycle every 17½ million years. Such a low frequency, in other words, that to an observer within the cluster it could not only be neither heard nor felt, but it would barely even have any detectable effect within a human lifetime.

10/10 waiting for US Fighter jets to start popping up on CL. That’d inspire me to want to learn to fly.

Name him Gordon.

Centipedes??? I’d have to sleep in a hazmat suit. They creep me all the way out.

Hi! Are you happy with your car insurance?

Vaccine deniers do real harm, for example. But how to engage without simply yelling “it’s not true it’s not true it’s not true” over and over again?

Most flights I take, which is a lot, there are galleys fore and aft so the worst service is in the middle.

I guess it depends on the aircraft you are flying on.  Every flight (continental US) I’ve ever been on has the galley in the front as you’re boarding and there is no meal service.  So while this logic may work on flights using larger aircraft, it’s not definitive for all flights.

No amount of peanuts and wine is worth being near the head.

By “Outside the box” I assume you are shaming the committee for not including a single award that involved the vagina - after last year’s vagina speakers, I expected more “inside the box” thinking.

I miss The Far Side so much.

How can the SAME PITCH hit a man in the Arm, and another in the Head, and a third in the Chest?

Hajime Sorayama disagrees.

Richard Feynman would be proud of that paper clip example. Way to present a very complex concept in a very simple, undesrstandable, and relatable form.

So, Li is a G Whiz?

It’s crazy how far companies will go just to make “compliance” EVs these days....

This error bugs me the most: